Developer tools

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Developer tools

Boost your productivity with our collection of tools designed for developers and beyond. Find highly useful resources to streamline your work today!

HTML minifier - Reduce File Size and Optimize Website Speed

Use our online HTML minifier tool to remove unnecessary characters and optimize your website speed. Minify your HTML today for improved performance!

CSS minifier - Optimize CSS Code

Optimize your website's speed with our online CSS minifier tool. Minify your CSS by removing unnecessary characters for faster load times.

JS minifier - Minify Your JavaScript Code

Optimize your website's performance with our online JS minifier tool. Compress and reduce file size by removing unnecessary characters. Try it now!

JSON validator & beautifier - Format Your Code Easily

Validate and beautify JSON content with our online tool. Ensure proper formatting and syntax with our JSON Validator & Beautifier. Try it now!

SQL formatter/beautifier - Clean & Format Your Queries

Format and beautify your SQL code with ease using our online SQL Formatter/Beautifier tool. Try it now!

HTML entity converter - Simplify Your Coding

Encode or decode HTML entities easily with our online tool. Convert any input with our HTML entity converter for efficient web development. Try now!.

BBCode to HTML Converter - Transform Forum-Style BBCode Snippets to HTML Code"

Convert forum-style BBCode to HTML quickly and easily with our online tool. Transform your snippets into raw HTML code for use on any web page.

Markdown to HTML - Converter for Your Projects

Convert markdown snippets to HTML code with ease using our online tool. Save time and effort in website development with our Markdown to HTML converter.

HTML tags remover - Clean HTML tags from text

Effortlessly remove all HTML tags from your text with our online tool. Simplify your content creation process. Try HTML Tags Remover now!

User agent parser - Easy Browser & Device Detection

Get detailed insights on browser, operating system, and device type with our online user agent parser tool. Optimize your website for better user experience

URL parser - Scheme, Host, Path

Our online URL parser tool allows you to quickly and easily parse details from any URL, including the scheme, host, path, and query. Try it now!
